Unlocked & Loaded Update

Heyo Everyone,

Welcome to the Unlocked and Loaded update! We’re excited for everyone to get their hands on this one. Here are the patch notes for the update. It just went live on Steam and it will shortly be live on our other platforms.

Itemization Overhaul 

We’re finally ready to unveil the Itemization Overhaul we’ve been working on for players. 

The Itemization Overhaul reinvents weapon progression, giving players more freedom to experiment and progress with weapons. The overhaul introduces two new systems, Mastery and Power, that provide players with clear avenues to get the weapons and gameplay they want.

  • Mastery: Players simply have to use their weapon of choice through missions which will result in gaining experience in that weapon’s Mastery track. As players gain experience, they will unlock three different types of rewards and unlock more power: Blessing Points, Weapon Marks, and Perks.

    • Blessing Points: Allow players to unlock different tiers of Blessings.

    • Weapon Marks: Players will unlock various weapon marks attached to the Mastery track of the weapon’s family they are progressing in.

    • Perks: Perks tiers unlock automatically as players advance in a given mastery track.

  • Power: With the new Power system, players will be able to see and improve their weapon's stats, by spending resources at the Shrine of the Omnissiah. The new power system gives players the possibility to increase the base stats of any weapon allowing it to reach its maximum potential.

Dev Note:We will not be removing any existing weapons.Existing weapons will remain exactly the same. The only difference is that players will be able to see their weapons’ stats potential. If a player’s weapons are not at their maximum potential, they will be able to upgrade them accordingly. We will not be removing any Blessings, Perks or anything else. 

There is a LOT to it, and if we included it all in the patch notes here, there would probably be at least 5 parts to these notes on the Forums / Steam. We’ve written everything down in our latest dev blog:the Itemization Overview. We hate to ask you to go to another page, but it’s quite long on its own. 

New Mission Type: Operations and New Mission: Rolling Steel

Introduces a new type of mission, Operations, which provides a shorter and more cinematic experience. In Rolling Steel, players are thrust into a high-octane adrenaline scenario where they must stop a moving train hijacked by the cultists. The mission also introduces a timer as an overarching objective, providing a new challenge and elevating the gameplay’s intensity.Players can read more about this mission in our dev blog.This operation will be live on the regular mission board (as well as on Auric).

New Social Feature: Party Finder

Darktide is built to be enjoyed with others and our Party Finder feature makes teaming up with like-minded players easier! Players will be able to find each other based on four criteria: Game Mode, Difficulty, Language and assorted Tags to define what the group is about. This will be an evolving feature that will improve alongside community feedback.Players can read more about the Party Finder in our dev blog, too.

New In-Game Event: Unrelenting Hordes (Moebian 21)

A platoon of Moebian 21st soldiers has been infected by the Blight. Their armour will make them harder to deal with than the usual hordes you encounter.

Rannick's sure there is something afoot. Keep your eyes peeled for any clues as to what the Cult are doing.

Play missions with a set of new Special Conditions,“Infected Moebian 21st”, and as a team collect Grimoires or Scriptures to earn rewards.* This condition will only be available during the event and will appear on both the Standard and Auric mission terminals.

*Similar to past events, the progress will be shared across all members of the strike team.

This event will start on Thursday, September 26, 2024. The rewards will be Ordo Dockets, Plasteel and Diamantine.

New Penances

For this update, we’ve also added new Penances related to the new Itemization, and new rewards to the Path of Redemption Progression Track, increasing it to a new Maximum of 5000 Points.

Extended Availability of Weapon Families for Human Classes

As part of this update, we will extend the availability of specific weapon families to all human classes (Veteran, Zealot, Psyker).
These weapons were previously locked to only one or two of the three classes, but will now be usable by all of them.
However, we made sure that the weapons that are key to the identity of each class will remain uniquely available to that class.
We hope that this will expand the gameplay experience and open up new interesting builds for players!

Detailed list:

  • Turtolsky Heavy Swords

    • added also to Veteran and Psyker

  • Maccabian Duelling Swords

    • added also to Veteran and Zealot

  • Orestes Assault Chainaxes

    • added also to Psyker

  • Braced Autoguns

    • added also to Psyker

  • Accatran Recon Lasguns

    • added also to Zealot

  • Combat Shotguns

    • added also to Psyker

Features and QoL

Bulk Actions

One of the major quality-of-life features coming with the Itemization Overhaul in the Unlocked and Loaded update revolves around Bulk Actions. We have included the option to Discard/Sell weapons in bulk. We have also implemented a filter system that allows players to get rid of certain weapons in bulk right away. For example, players could set a filter to remove all Redeemed rarity weapons in their inventory.

Favourite Weapons

Since bulk action is always a bit of a risky operation that could see a player lose their best weapon, we also implemented a “favourite” feature. Players will be able to set weapons as their favourites through the Loadout menu. When listing a weapon as a favourite, it will never show in the Bulk Actions menu or in the Sacrifice menu at the Shrine of the Omnissiah. Players will know it is their favourite as it will have a recognizable icon. In addition, there is no limit to the number of weapons players can set as their favourite.

Discarding AKA. Selling Weapons

Players used to only get Credits when selling weapons, and the amount of Credits was determined by the item’s Rating. This will still be the case once Unlocked and Loaded is deployed. But in addition to the Credits, players will get additional crafting resources based on the rarity of the weapon sold. From Profane (Grey) to Anointed (Blue) rarities, players will only get Credits back; at Exalted (Purple) players will get Plasteel in addition to Credits; and finally, at Transcendent rarity (Orange) players will get Diamantine added to the mix.

Mourningstar Improvements

With her initial research on the Clandestium Gloriana findings complete, Hadron has unveiled the improvements to her Shrine of the Omnissiah. This brings some much-needed (according to Commissar Dukane's Quartermaster) improvements to the armaments and options available to the Rejects.

Swagger makes an appearance on the Mourningstar, whose presence adds an air of mystery and tension to the already gloomy atmosphere."I know Rannick and Hadron seem to trust him. They must have their reasons, I suppose, but there's something not right about that Swagger fellow hanging around on the Mourningstar if you ask me."

Commissar Dukane has started making herself comfortable aboard the Mourningstar. Make sure to mind your manners around her and don't go eavesdropping!

AMD FSR updated to 3.1

AMD FidelityFX™ Super Resolution 3 (FSR 3.1) is the latest evolution of AMDs advanced open-source upscaling technology. FSR 3 introduces cutting-edge frame generation technology, delivering significant framerate boosts in supported games, and a new "Native AA" quality mode for enhanced image quality.


The Game Crashes When Switching Between Fullscreen and Windowed Mode and With Upscaling Disabled While FSR3.1 Frame Generation is Turned On

FSR 3.1 Frame generation is unstable when used in combination with exclusive Fullscreen Screen mode or with upscaling disabled. Specifically switching between screen modes is prone to crashing.

If you want to use FSR 3.1 frame generation it is recommended to use it with Borderless Fullscreen or Windowed screen modes and with FSR 3.1, DLSS or XESS upscaling enabled. We are working on a fix to ship.